How Latin American e-consumers access the internet E-commerce

How Latin American e-consumers access the internet

As LATAM investment is being strategically placed in communication services and technology, and e-commerce is an indisputable business opportunity, to have an overview of the consumers? web browsing preferences is relevant to reach them in a better way.
Creating the perfect checkout experience for LATAM online customers Payments

Creating the perfect checkout experience for LATAM online customers

One of the most important requirements for any e-commerce merchant today is to ensure that the checkout experience for online customers is simple, quick and safe. Strategically optimizing the checkout process is a priority, especially in Latin America.
How can Content Marketing help to Attract the Right Customer E-commerce

How can Content Marketing help to Attract the Right Customer

Everything that your company does must always be focused on its target customers. Therefore, it’s crucial that your site or e-commerce platform works as an effective sales representative, educating your clients through an effective content marketing.
The pot of gold at end of special shopping dates in LATAM E-commerce

The pot of gold at end of special shopping dates in LATAM

Special shopping dates are a perfect opportunity to increase sales and to make your brand better known in your target markets. Although most countries around the world share a good number of these dates, do you know which ones are specific to LATAM?
Chatbots vs Humans: Who wins the battle for consumer preference? E-commerce

Chatbots vs Humans: Who wins the battle for consumer preference?

Although efficiency and precision are highly valued by the 21st century fast-paced, technology-driven consumer, the truth is we haven´t grown past being human. In the battle of chatbots vs human client support, mankind is still ahead.
Following the growth of e-commerce in Chile, online payments increase 36.8% Payments

Following the growth of e-commerce in Chile, online payments increase 36.8%

More online than ever, the e-commerce market has reacted positively, posting with a growth of 25.8% in 2018. As a natural consequence, different payment methods for local and international websites were used by online consumers.
Currency and Price Localization: Adapting to a Global Marketplace Payments

Currency and Price Localization: Adapting to a Global Marketplace

Localization is the key when thinking of establishing a global identity. Adapting to the currency and pricing of a market causes a product or service to resonate with the intended audience and meets their requirements.
International Processing with Local Payment Solutions: A Vision for the Future Payments

International Processing with Local Payment Solutions: A Vision for the Future

E-commerce merchants seeking to do business in LATAM face exciting times as internet penetration grows and enables unprecedented access to local consumers. The borderless nature of online shopping also means being able to pay across regional borders.