PagSeguro News
PagSeguro hosts first proprietary event in Mexico
PagSeguro hosted its first proprietary event in Mexico City, where the payment processing company gathered a select group of payment partners and experts.
PagSeguro hosts first proprietary event in Mexico
Mariana González Senior Marketing Analyst – PagSeguro Mariana González

On Tuesday (August 20), PagSeguro hosted its first proprietary event in Mexico City, where the payment processing company – the cross-border division of PagBank (PAGS:NYSE) –  gathered an exclusive group of around 30 payment partners and experts for a morning filled with content, networking, and great conversations about opportunities and challenges in the Mexican payment landscape and the main trends boosting the segment.

With 22% of its more than 100 million dollars in e-commerce sales coming from cross-border, Mexico is Latam’s biggest cross-border market and ever-more relevant country for us and for the industry as a whole, with many projects focused on payment innovation and a landscape on the verge of a technological breakthrough.

LinkedInPagSeguro reunited a select group of professionals and partners in Mexico City

To look closely into the Mexican market and the many incredible projects in development there, we reunited an extraordinary group of speakers. After an opening segment by our Head of Sales Americas & EMEA Clarena Furtado, our Country Manager for México Raúl Cordero shared exclusive data and insights into the current and future paths of the Mexican payments and e-commerce landscape, such as instant payments, the lingering importance of cash in the country, and how to leverage the biggest cross-border market in Latam.   

Then, it was time for a presentation from Miguel Araico, Director of Digital & Acceptance Products at Mastercard Mexico about tokenization and the many possibilities it opens for payment solutions and security. We closed off the morning with a panel featuring experts from different segments of the payment industry: Victoria Albanesi, founding partner of Albanesi Tech Legal Consulting, Kushki’s Country Manager for México Fernando López Lacroix, and our own Clarena Furtado. Moderated by Raúl Cordero, it was an excellent conversation about the most exciting and urgent trends and opportunities of the world of payments in Mexico.

Kushki001PagSeguro's team with representatives from Kushki at their CDMX office

It's definitely an exciting time to look more closely into the country, its business opportunities, and rising payment digitization strategies. To leverage them even more, the PagSeguro team also took the opportunity of being in Mexico to host a series of meetings with key partners – for a cross-border company, with professionals all around the world, it’s important to make the most of the time when different experts get together.

Want to know more about the current and future e-commerce and payment trends in Mexico, Latam’s biggest cross-border market and second largest market overall? Then click below to download our latest white paper, where we dive into the main e-commerce segments in Mexico and other major Latin American countries:

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